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We are building
the future After Sales

Welcome to the Road to Digital After Sales –
your online information platform about the D!AS program

After Sales Process
of the Future

The D!AS program creates a digital workshop experience, for both service employees and customers. The aim is to create a seamlessly interconnected system landscape with fast and easy access to information.

D!AS Objectives:

  • Administrative
    Time Reduction

  • Increase Revenue

  • System Stabilization

  • Digital Experience

Road to D!AS

Started in 2018, the D!AS portfolio is continuously extended by new functionalities. The goal is to provide a completely digital working environment for service employees by 2022.

View Roadmap

Digital After Sales

The D!AS program enables a smooth user interaction for various situations within the dealership by offering a fully digital service process solution.

See D!AS Use Cases


User-oriented Functionalities

Clustered along the four service process steps, the D!AS program constantly develops new features.

These features are gradually being integrated to the D!AS landscape and made accessible for dealers on one single front-end.

View Functionalities