Easy digital booking and handling of vehicle servicing for both, customers and service employees.


All customer touchpoints, from lead generation and booking appointment, across vehicle check-in or booking a replacement vehicle up to online payment and satisfaction rating, are seamlessly connected and enabled within the customer’s mobile application. The service employees can manage the order as well as retrieve vehicle information via one integrated After Sales Process.

In the D!AS vision, the whole administrative process regarding a repair can be carried out digitally. This way customer satisfaction is increased and the connection between the different service employees at the dealership and the workshop is improved.


The customer, the service advisor, the parts advisor, the service technician and the vehicle are connected and able to fulfil their maintenance tasks in a highly efficient manner.

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Available Functionalities

Illustrated functionalities are already developed, availability however depends on the market specific rollout. To enable the D!AS Vision, additional functionalities will be developed gradually.

Products behind the functionalities