Service cam

Service Cam enables the interactive communication between dealers and customers about the technical status and additional repair needs of the vehicle.


The Service Cam meets the expectations of today's customers during workshop visits in terms of transparency and individual service experience. The service enables an interactive digital multimedia communication between dealers and customers regarding additional repair needs and provides an alternative to common phone calls. The tool can either be used during an ongoing service in the workshop or in case that the customer does not have time for a personal vehicle check-in . All relevant information is provided via photo or video and enables the customer to take decisions concerning repair offers online.

All communication is done on behalf of the respective dealer and brand. Service Cam is available as a multi-brand product.

Highly competetive
license model

Volkswagen own

Integration into
Volkswagen IT landscape

Have a look at this video on how to use Service Cam during a vehicle check:

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Current Functionalities

  • Recording of videos and photo capturing on additional repair needs and the vehicle technical status via the app
  • Use on any iOS or Android based mobile device (smartphones, tablets)
  • Upload and further processing of videos or photos within the Service Cam Dashboard and addition of all necessary information such as customer data or prices
  • Uploading additional media files (e.g. *.pdf, *.jpg) in the Web Application
  • Sending of order extension to the customer via e-mail or SMS text message
Interaction with the customer via a brand and dealer specific front-end
Online customer-decision to either accept or decline additional repair needs
Receiving Customer Data from dealer’s DMS by entering the job number
  • Possibility to select an individual sender name, instead of the brand name
  • Display of sender in customer communication
Communication of availability of new videos or customer feedback to the service advisor via notification mails
Possibility to send videos and photos for information purposes to the customer without a price indication
Possibility to request an approval for additional services w/o extra charge
Possibility to filter and search for order details (name, license plate, etc.)
KPIs are displayed and raw data for further investigations are available for dealers and importers
Possibility to upload the videos into DISS due to compliance with DISS requirements
Easy and fast creation of items to offer original parts and accessories to the customer

Future Functionalities

New functionalities will constantly be developed based on user feedback and needs.

Service Cam as a Lead source for Lead Inbox for by costumer postponed offers
Transfer of existing predefined work items from DMS order to Service Cam
Bidirectional transfer of newly created Service Cam offers to and from DMS
The customer will be able to pay for accepted additional services in the online checkout process.


The Service Cam consists of three components:

Service Cam App
for video recording:

available for
iOS & Android
via the B2B-App store

Grid View
Service Cam Dashboard
for adding all
relevant information:

application in Dealer Portal

message link
Customer interface:

accessible via link
in text message
and/or e-mail


All rollout activities are supported by a dedicated rollout team guiding the importer through all relevant action fields.

The rollout follows a multi-brand approach. All necessary material and documents (i.e. IT requirements) are included in the rollout checklist.

The product is developed with an agile method and so does rollout - the rollout concept is constantly improved and reflects new software features. Rollout will roughly take 3 months, depending on local resources.

  • App device iOS or Android, a smartphone is recommended
  • Laptop or desktop PC, usually the Service Advisor workplace
  • Smartphone and/or e-mail access at customer
  • Service Cam App and Service Cam Dashboard at dealer
  • Internet availability
  • Holistic training concept including coaching material, tips & tricks and web-based training
  • As Service Cam affects dealer processes, coaching-on-the-job is highly recommended
  • IT supports runs via the known process by importers
  • Importer in charge of the first and second level support
  • Tickets can be created in Service Center 2 (SC.2) in order to be sent to the development team at Volkswagen AG for the third level actions
  • Online reporting tool is available in order to track performance (utilization of the tool – number of videos, turnover, response rate, etc.)
  • As the Volkswagen Group is not the owner of the data used for Service Cam, but only operates as data processor, a License Agreement as well as a Data Protection Framework Agreement between Volkswagen and the importer has to be signed
  • Licensed to importers and then sub-licensed to dealers
  • License contract, data protection agreement and necessary legal questions are laid down in the rollout checklist
  • 70€ per dealer location regardless of the number of brands is invoiced per month
  • Price remains the same regardless of the number of downloaded apps per dealer location


Show full list LEGEND

Roll-out completed
Roll-out ongoing
Pilot ongoing

Roll-out completed

    Roll-out ongoing

      Pilot ongoing


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