PPS Online is an application that enables service advisors and service assistants to provide customers with a quick and reliable price information. It further delivers all technical information to support the order process for most maintenance and wear issues.


The Package Price System Online (PPSO) makes everyday tasks of service employees easier, as it is improving the especially time consuming warranty and goodwill process. The tool enables service employees to increase the repair quality and speed up the process as it provides vehicle-specific packages including labour times and parts numbers. The labour times and parts information are automatically transferred to the DMS, where a respective order process for the necessary parts is triggered.

Main benefits:

Service Advisor

  • Reduction of time for creating offers & repair orders
  • Standard quality in offer & repair order content
  • Vehicle-specific package data provision
  • Easy handling and thereby minimized training efforts
  • Availability on mobile devices


  • Foundation for digital business (e.g. Customer Portal)
  • Possibility of market specific packages (PET)
  • Possibility of offer incentives (POT)
  • Increased parts turnover
  • Multi-brand solution
  • Increased market exploitation

Without PPSO



Current Functionalities

Already developed functionalities whose availability depends on the rollout activities

Enabling of VIN-based package data provision, dealer specific price calculation & creation, add to (shopping cart) order and invoice creation as well as parts stock check within the DMS or on a tablet solution
  • Enabling of VIN-based package data provision and automatic selection of correct service packages based on the maintenance interval
  • Possibility to use the package catalogue in ElsaPro during inspection services without any system switch to DMS
  • Transfer of package data to DMS for price and order creation
  • Availability of the connection for the Digital Service Plan (transfer of packages is possible)
  • Support of the warranty process leading to an increased time saving in the administrative process
Support of the warranty process leading to an increased time saving in the administrative process
  • Provision of functionality to select accessories packages (protective film, tow bars, pedal pad set, floor mat packages)
  • Enabling of importers and dealers to create and maintain own PPS packages
  • Central storage and availability of all packages at the point of sale
  • Fast and flexible update of the packages
  • Provision of price tags to existing PPSO packages for nationwide or dealer specific campaigns
  • Offer of fixed price package recommendations or discounted offers


Get a first impression on PPSO by having a look at these short videos.

PPSO Introduction

PPSO Online Reporting

PPSO in ElsaPro

PPSO in the DMS


The following graphic illustrates the interdependencies and connections between PPSO, DMS and ElsaPro. The DMS integration either takes place directly or via the ElsaPro interface.

PPS Online Server

  • Price creation for quick price offer
  • Parts stock check possible
  • Work order creation + invoice
  • Workshop planning possible
  • Usage on tablet possible

From 2024 onwards will be connection only via RW.IL interface provided

  • Maintenance tables
    linked to packages
  • Package catalogue
  • Data transfer to
    DMS / Repair Order
  • Promotional Offer Tool
    System to calculate promotional offers

  • Package Editor Tool
    Editorial System for package creation


All rollout activities are supported by a dedicated rollout team guiding the importer through all relevant action fields.

Costs for set-up: 5.000€ for each integration (DMS or ElsaPro)

Costs arising by the adaption of the DMS system have to be covered by the market.


PPS Online is already available in more than 40 markets as DMS integration or via integration in ElsaPro.
Additional regional solutions were developed for markets such as the USA and China.
The Package Editing Tool is also implemented in 17 markets. The Promotional Offers Tool is currently being rolled out.

Show full list LEGEND

Roll-out completed
Roll-out ongoing
Pilot ongoing

Roll-out completed

    Roll-out ongoing

      Pilot ongoing


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