
Elsa2Go is the mobile addition to ElsaPro which provides dealers with all relevant vehicle & repair information, at a glance and on any mobile device or desktop computer. This will be the basis for any further improvements like endless wiring diagrams, improved repair manuals and fully digital maintenance tables in the future.


Elsa2Go enables service advisors and service technicians to access service information on any mobile device at the vehicle repair bay. The user can open Elsa2Go easily via the Group Retail Portal.

The main feature for the technicians is the access to the technical workshop information which enables them to repair the vehicle according to the manufacturer guidelines. The workshop info media include e.g. repair manuals, wiring diagrams or maintenance tables. Printed information for the repair of the vehicle is no longer needed.

For the service advisors Elsa2Go will provide vehicle specific information and further service details in order to ensure optimal customer service at any time in the process.

Elsa2Go is constantly being developed and improved in terms of available content, such as endless wiring diagrams, improved repair manuals and fully digital maintenance tables, which are planned to be integrated in a second step.

  • Available on any mobile device or desktop computer
  • All relevant information accessible at a glance
  • Intuitive user interface
  • Reduction of printing costs
  • Reduction of walking routes in the workshop

Have a look at this video about the benefits of Elsa2Go:

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Already developed functionalities but their availability depends on the rollout activities.

Access of repair manuals in the workshop process via a mobile device. The content is delivered to ASID.
Integration of technical product information and recalls
Integration of wiring diagrams and fitting locations
Ability of the service technician to perform regular vehicle inspections according to manufacturer guidelines, based on vehicle specific maintenance tables
Integration of maintenance work information
Integration of all relevant repair information for body works
Provision of an overview of all relevant vehicle information such as repair history, PR-No., etc.
VIN specific connection of Repair Manuals, Current Flow Diagram and Fitting Locations, Labour Times (dependent on Go Live of APOS NF), adding parts from ETKA
Filter reduces displayed data within Wiring Diagrams and Fitting location to the documents suitable to the entered vehicle
The finished maintenance manual can be uploaded into the Digital Service Plan (DSP) to finalize the maintenance process.
Central search functionality in order to find respective documents over all or in one specific info media. First info media available (maintanance manuals), rest of the info media to come.
Service and repair history of the vehicle


New functionalities will constantly be developed based on user feedback and needs.

Provision of all relevant emission test information
Wiring diagrams are further improved by endless display and another usability improvements.
Processing of the new repair manual data with new functionality for the user.
Reaching service process coverage by integration into other D!AS product.
Further info media to be included (repair manuals, wiring diagrams, HST)


Wondering how Elsa2Go works for the service employees?
Have a look at the respective intro video.

Elsa2Go & Service advisor

Elsa2Go & Service technician


Elsa2Go is modular built up with state of the art technology and can be accessed within Group Retail Portal.


Authentification to access
the system via GRP

E2G Services

Provision of infomedia content

AWS Cloud
AWS Cloud

Elsa2Go Software is hosted
on AWS public cloud


  • Access to Group Retail Portal (GRP)
  • Usage on tablet is recommended, however can be used from any device
  • Wi-Fi connection or mobile internet access (no cpn needed)
  • Recommended browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge (updated to latest version)
  • Training approach in pilot phase mutually agreed by Elsa2Go team and importer
  • Training material like Elsa2Go teaser , Web Based Training and an info package are available at Digital Training Center (DTC)
  • “Support process” via Service Center
  • First level support by importer
  • Second level support: Forwarding of unsolvable inquiries to Elsa2Go team via Service Center
  • FAQ’s as a guidance for self-help (info package)
  • Feedback function within the tool is planned
  • Content is already translated in country specific language
  • Specific terms within the application to be translated by the importer
  • Translation Tool Phrase App is used, manual for usage is provided
  • Signed “License Agreement Elsa2Go”
  • Data protection framework agreement
  • Local imprint and data security information (for the display in Elsa2Go)
  • Importer is responsible for sublicensing agreement for pilot dealers


Show full list LEGEND

Roll-out completed
Roll-out ongoing
Pilot ongoing

Roll-out completed

    Roll-out ongoing

      Pilot ongoing


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          For further details or in case of questions,
          please reach out to: elsa2go.vwag.r.wob@volkswagen.de