Group Vehicle File

The Group Vehicle File (GVF) is a back-end system which allows the integration of vehicle data in one system and thus simplifies the IT infrastructure and enables technical innovations in the area of vehicle data handling. Vehicle Lifecycle Module is a project within GVF.


The Group Vehicle File provides all data about a specific vehicle in one integrated system. The availability of all data in one place supports data quality and integrity. The Group Vehicle File delivers information about the vehicle itself, past service events, order management data, and vehicle texts (MBT/MBV).

  • Integrated approach “one vehicle – one vehicle file”
  • Provision of all vehicle-specific information through one channel
  • The flexibility of extending product features stored in the database
  • Increase of vehicle data quality and integrity
  • Compliance in data handling

The following diagram shows how the GVF is used as a front-end solution for group members and admins and how they have direct access to the GVF through an OEM interface. Further information about the system overview is displayed in the Practical Insight section.

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Current Functionalities

Already developed functionalities whose availability depends on the rollout activities

Provision of general information about the vehicle, such as the brand, the model, the color, etc.
Provision of technical and marketing related vehicle texts
Provision of information about the vehicle created during production

New functionalities will constantly be developed based on user feedback and needs.

Generation of more value for the consumers and fostering the integrated approach “one vehicle – one vehicle file” through more vehicle-related data sources
Improvement of GVF functionality


The screenshots show the homesreen of a data owner as well as the first step in the GVF Data Cluster Wizard to create a cluster for a data group.


The following diagram shows how the GVF is interacting with other systems:


For further details or in case of questions, please reach out to: