ODIS Remote

In a first step “Offboard Diagnostic Information System (ODIS) Remote” uses synergies with the tablet app DiEGo to enable a shorter diagnostic workflow in the dealer shops. Future services like Remote Diagnostics and even Remote Repair shall also be realized, which enables the diagnosis and repair of certain errors over the air.


Today, ODIS´ Service is used while the vehicle is on the work bay. With ODIS Remote you will get things done much quicker in the future. The sometimes very time intensive diagnostic entry with ODIS Service is not necessary anymore. ODIS will just download the diagnostic data from the cloud in a few seconds, no matter whether the data was sent remotely by a customer’s Audi e-tron or DiEGo was used to read the data during Check-In.

Moreover ODIS Remote analyses the diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) in order to identify the relevant TPIs for the car. No need for manual filtering. You’ll even get the list of fitting TPIs sorted by relevance, from “100% applicable” to “may be possible” based on the car configuration. This information will be available during Check-In while using DiEGo or later on while using ODIS Service.

Finally, ODIS Remote also provides an ODIS test plan to DiEGo, which encloses first hints on the parts that possibly cause errors.

With a much longer perspective, all this information shall be provided to Frontends like R-Safe or CEM Salesforce in order to enable the Customer Interaction Center and Roadside Assistance to help the customer, while he’s dealing with a problem “on the road”. This Remote Diagnostics shall also be available via customer app.

Save time during the service process

Get relevant information already during the Check-In

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Provision of diagnostic entry data for ODIS Service from the cloud
Provision of diagnostic entry data for ODIS Service from the cloud
Identification and provision of relevant TPI´s to DiEGo automatically
Calculation and provision of the ODIS test plan to DiEGo
Automatic identification and provision of relevant TPI´s for ODIS Service


The functionalities of ODIS Remote will be displayed in DiEGo as well as in ODIS Service. There is no specific frontend for ODIS Remote necessary.


The graphic displays the analysis logic for determining the cause of error:

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For further details or in case of questions, please reach out to: