Predictive Analytics Tool

The Predictive Analytics Tool (PAT) is a backend service which needs VIN, mileage, average mileage, maintenance tables and the service historie to predict the next required services.


The PAT interface is a backend service for predicting the due date of maintenance events for a defined vehicle according to manufacturer specifications. PAT outputs a date on which a maintenance event (e.g. inspection with oil change) is to be carried out so that the maintenance schedule of the vehicle is adhered to. Non-performed maintenance events can, for example, lead to the loss of the warranty claim or the impairment of the operational safety of the vehicle.

To predict maintenance events, PAT uses technical (e.g. engine type, transmission type), geographical (e.g. country, dust country, fuel quality) and usage-dependent attributes of the vehicle (mileage, annual mileage) as well as the vehicle and country-specific maintenance plan (maintenance table).

Improved lead conversion and service quality through targeted customer communication

Convenience through automated service predictability

The PAT system itself does not have a front-end or holds usage data of vehicles or their owners. PAT must always be integrated into another system, where it can support or enable different business processes.

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Current Functionalities

Already developed functionalities, whose availability depends on the rollout activities.

Provision of maintenance information by using attributes of the vehicle as well as the vehicle and country-specific maintenance plan.
Additional service positions are requested for the upcoming service event (e.g.: change dust and pollen filter; change break fluid, etc.)
Provision of an API that determines VIN and market-based the correct oil standard (e.g. VW 502 00) for an asked VIN
Prediction of maintenance due to actual service history
Provision of PPSo package content for the determined service events and positions

New functionalities will be constantly developed based on user feedback and current needs.

Access to service history data allows PAT to make a prediction for non-dsp vehicles in order to cover 100% of vehicles in the market
PAT API as method in PPSO RW.IL interface in order to provide a quick price indication


All necessary information about the rollout process is made available to the markets in the form of an implementation guide and a user manual. In addition, the PO/PM will be available as a consultant.

  • PAT is supposed to be integrated into an existing IT-landscape on importers level
  • The integration of PAT in the IT-landscape on dealership level is not intended, would however be feasible if the respective dealership assumes efforts and responsibility
  • System documentation and guidelines are provided for the integration of PAT
  • Running & support by Group Application Management Service (AMS)
  • Product related NDA
  • Market’s legal requirements on data privacy
  • Data processing agreement with OEM
  • Pilot contract
  • No costs of usage
  • Integration costs are covered by the owner of the integrating system.


Show full list LEGEND

Roll-out completed
Roll-out ongoing
Pilot ongoing

Roll-out completed

    Roll-out ongoing

      Pilot ongoing


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