One Connected Workspace introduced in the market info meeting

Over 40 importer representatives from 19 European countries participated in the online information meeting dedicated to introduction of a project “One Connected Workspace”. The project aims at creation of a comprehensive overview about the vehicle connectivity status (main focus on E2E enrollment), providing primarily benefits of saved time and increased lead volume from connected vehicles for after sales business.

Holger Brand and Ole Eismann from the business rollout team described challenges in dealerships regarding insufficient lead generation from connected cars, where is identified a clear potential due to a small amount of End-To-End enrolled vehicles. The main bottlenecks in the enrollment process are setting of a preferred service partner and activation of the automatic service scheduling. One of the possible causes is a complicated access to the relevant information for service employees. At the moment, if the service advisor wants to get overview about the enrollment status and activated digital services, it takes a significant amount of time due to a lot of systems with isolated workflow and requires manual effort with double entries. A vision of One Connected Workspace is to provide service employees with a unified workspace, where thanks to connection with DMS, Pre-Delivery Enrollment (VW, VWN), CBA (Skoda/Seat) & Audi GO and Service Portlet a streamlined process will be possible.
As a result, a market implementation of this tool is expected to increase the number of service leads from connected vehicles and customers in a digital ecosystem.

One Connected Workspace will offer one user interface for all brands. Each brand will automatically be redirected to their own Applications (Enrollment App & Service Portlet App).

“OCW looks like the right tool to support dealers by providing a complete view of the connectivity status of a vehicle, same simple way for all brands. Thanks to OCW, dealers know which actions to take with their customers to ensure the best connectivity. However, a good integration of OCW with DMS will be crucial to avoid multiplying dealer’s tools”, stated Bernard De Patoul, Head of After Sales Support at D'Ieteren, Belgium.

As a next step, the business rollout team will collect market commitments and together with the D!AS roll out team there will be initiated market individual calls in order to plan all roll out prerequisites. The rollout of One Connect Workspace is planned to be completed within all main European markets by end of 2023.

More information about One Connected Workspace to be published in Road2D!AS soon.

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