Group Service Key Online

Group Service Key Online is a successor to GSK. As well as the GSK it enables offline vehicles of the Volkswagen core brands to enter the digital service process, but in addition to that it provides new functions and benefits.


A new Group Service Key Online software aims to create a suitable platform for developing new functions which cannot be implemented on the basis of the Group Service Key 3.0. As part of this, all functions familiar from the Audi/Group Service Key software will be adopted in Group Service Key Online.

All existing functions from GSK 3.x will be adopted in Group Service Key Online.

The Group Service Key Online will be used with the existing readers (Audi service key dock, Group Service Key reader)

  • New and optimised display of vehicle health data, e.g. with warning icons
  • Display of emission data (WLTP)
  • Reading out vehicle health data on connected vehicles (no data on the key)
  • Access for 5 days to service key data which has already been read out without having to read the key again
  • Data queries via vehicle identification number
  • Data on predictive maintenance & service history of vehicle

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*product will start as a MVP, functions will be successively developed


Current Functionalities

Already developed functionalities, whose availability depends on the rollout activities.

All existing functionalities of the GSK are already included.

Within GSK Online, a dashboard will be the main interaction point for the user, where he can always check for updates, access already read-out vehicle data or change the settings
With the optimized Vehicle Data View, the user has a better overview and transparency of all available vehicle information as well as further options to export or print the information
GSK Online extends vehicle information that will be provided by emission data (WLTP & NEDC) as well as warning lights to the corresponding warning messages

New functionalities will be constantly developed based on user feedback and current needs.


The Group Service Key Online Dashboard is the landing page of the GSK Online application and informs the user about the status of the readout, as well as about the up-to-datedness of the software & firmware used.

A direct link takes the user quickly and easily to the vehicle data overview.

The functionalities of the GSK Online Dashboard will be continuously expanded.

Landing page:


The overview of the vehicle data:

Following data groups are displayed:

  • Basic vehicle data
  • Colour code
  • Mileage
  • Oil standard data
  • Active/historical warning lights incl. warning light icons
  • Battery status
  • Service Interval
  • Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC)
  • Emission data

An integrated download button also simplifies the export of the displayed data.
More features will follow successively.


The following graphic illustrates the interdependencies and connections relevant for Group Service Key Online:

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So that details relating to the rollout and market conditions can be clarified, the rollout always begins with a kick-off meeting with the following contents (or similar):

  • Product information for the current Group Service Key version.
  • Clarification of non-disclosure agreement so that documents and information on the Group Service Key can subsequently be made available.
  • Preliminary coordination with regard to legal requirements (refer to “Legal questions”).
  • Joint coordination and agreement of the rollout procedure:
    • Is it necessary to order (additional) Group Service Key readers?
    • Is there an existing DMS integration or should DMS integration be introduced in the future?
    • Should a pilot phase be performed (refer to “Pilot phase (optional)”)?


  • If (additional) Group Service Key readers have been ordered for the market, these are delivered during the rollout process
  • If readers (Audi service key dock, Group Service Key reader) are not yet available, software installation can only begin after delivery as a reader must be connected to the computer for this purpose.


  • After concluding the (pilot) licence contract, activation of the Group Service Key will be performed for the market in the Group Retail Portal and the rollout team will make the GSK software (download link) available.

The rollout team will make the GSK user manual and a web-based training (WBT) course available and provide further documents as appropriate for preparing for the rollout (or for the pilot phase).

The importer has the option of testing the Group Service Key software as part of a time-limited pilot phase.The pilot is recommended particularly for markets which have not yet worked with the Audi Service Key, as it will allow the functions and integration of the Service Key in the service process to be evaluated. Performing the pilot phase requires an additional pilot contract; those taking part in the pilot will need to have sufficient capacity for approx. 4 to 8 weeks.

Once the Group Service Key has been activated for the market in the GRP, local administrators can authorise the dealerships in the market. This must only be done after the sub-licence contract with the dealership in question has been signed. During the rollout process for the dealerships, the rollout team will be available to provide technical support.

The following legal documents must be agreed on and signed:

  • Non-disclosure agreement
  • Licence contract between importer and Volkswagen AG for using and sub-licencing the software to dealerships
  • Sub-licence contracts (similarly to other D!AS products) between importer and their dealerships
    Note: Creating the standard sub-licence contract and agreeing the sub-licence contracts with the dealerships is the responsibility of the importer and their legal department. For reasons relating to antitrust law, assistance from the rollout team is not permitted.
  • Optional: pilot contract between importer and Volkswagen AG

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