APOS NF is the successor of APOS with a re-designed solution for labour operations. The re-designed solution is speeding up the process at the dealerships using a new state of the art interface and architecture and therefore improving customer satisfaction and usability.


APOS NF improves the workflow of users by displaying vehicle-specific labour operations. The solution offers new functionalities, such as search functionalities and different ways of labour operation identification. APOS NF is using microservice architecture and is hosted on a cloud solution.

Due to faster processes and transparency APOS NF leads to increased customer satisfaction and reduced administrative time for users.

  • Vehicle-specific labour operations:
    Less training required, less fault prone
  • Simplified warranty process:
    Vision of automated warranty claim acceptance
  • Transparent invoicing

APOS NF enables service employees to handle car reception in a fast and efficient way.

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Current Functionalities

Already developed functionalities whose availability depends on the rollout activities

Ability to search for VIN-specific labour operations using a textual or numeric search bar
Filtering labour operations either using a list-, tile- or graphical filtering option
Selection of VIN-specific labour operations to respect customer individual service needs without requiring deep knowledge on KD-numeric and APOS NF system
Possibility to print the current shopping cart as pdf
Search labour operations within interactive pictures to speed up the process
Provision of required labour operation information to ASID via microservice
Provision of required labour operation information to PPSO via microservice
The time units of labor operations in APOS NF are calculated for every order. Because APOS NF labor operation covers all sub jobs in a main labor operation and the time units of double sub jobs are considered in the calculation.
Vision of automated warranty acceptance
Selection of labour operations by using interactive pictures


Wonder how APOS NF works? The following videos show you the most important functionalities.

APOS NF Product Video

System insight

Vehicle reception


The following graphic illustrates the interdependencies and connections between APOS NF and other systems and applications.


The pilot starts in VW-internal workshops in Germany.

Show full list LEGEND

Roll-out completed
Roll-out ongoing
Pilot ongoing

Roll-out completed

    Roll-out ongoing

      Pilot ongoing


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