About D!AS

Imagine a seamless digital interaction between customers and After Sales employees. D!AS makes this vision possible by reinventing the After Sales business.

The D!AS Vision 2022

D!AS is the way to the After Sales of the future for the generation smartphone – both for customers and service employees.

In a fully digitalized D!AS world, customers will have the opportunity to manage their vehicle servicing online, without visiting the dealer. The dealer uses interconnected systems, which provide easy and fast access to information. Thus, the dealer has the ability to proactively address individual customer needs, as well as to run all workshop processes digitally.


Easy and fast
access to



on mobile

  • Mouse

    300+ clicks

    needed for
    diagnosis; approx. 200 for a
    maintenance job

  • broken link

    60+ process

    within the service core process

  • time

    ca. 1h 20min.

    time per maintenance job

  • network

    10+ systems

    for diagnosis / maintenance jobs
    at the dealer

  • increase revenue

    Lost revenue

  • security threat


  • dislike


The D!AS Objectives

D!AS creates a digital workshop experience for service employees and customers. The aim is to build a seamlessly interconnected system landscape with easy and fast access to reliable information.

To leverage the digitalization potential in After Sales, the D!AS initiative focuses on the following objectives:

administrative time

administrative time

Interconnected systems and digital communication possibilities ease the work of service employees

After Sales revenue

After Sales revenue

Cross-selling and tailor-made offers increase revenues

Increasing digital
customer experience
and loyalty

Increasing digital
customer experience
and loyalty

Connection of all relevant touchpoints online from service booking to payment for the fulfilled services

and interconnecting
existing IT systems

and interconnecting
existing IT systems

Back-end products are stabilizing existing IT systems and reduce downtimes


D!AS connects existing systems, and enables the development of new products and functionalities. A common objective, a joint development, a harmonized rollout and one front-end design are crucial to enhance synergies and achieve the vision across the group brands.

  • Focus

    Focus on

    The customer is in the center of D!AS thinking, while new and innovative technologies are the basis for the development of products and services.

  • Dealer

    and user panel

    New digital processes and features are always verified with end users in order to improve a usability.

  • Agile incremental

    Agile incremental

    An agile methodology allows a constant incremental development of new features based on a user feedback.

  • Brand and market

    Brand and market

    D!AS solution is in accordance with the group’s brands and shall avoid the individual development of local solutions.

  • Need for

    Need for

    Technological and process standardization is a cornerstone for the integration of products into a seamlessly interconnected ecosystem.

  • Modular IT

    Modular IT

    A modular architecture makes it easier to implement the new features and services in a fast way.


Understand the user needs is essential to define the digital functionalities which are then assigned to the IT applications, that technically enable their viability.

D!AS Products and Functionalities

Products, which are in scope of the D!AS program deliver functionalities to support digital processes and enable the common goal of one After Sales Process.

Various products are represented by their digital functionalities for each use case in the workshop. This way a complete overview of the digital transformation within workshop processes is provided.

For more information visit section FUNCTIONALITIES

  • Maintenance

  • Warranty

For more information visit section USE CASES


Limited technical knowledge and interest
Limited interest in car maintenance


Transparent information

Demands / Wishes:

Convenient way to travel from A to B
“smartphone” first – be able to do everything with the smartphone


Too many customers, too little time
Inefficient processes and systems


Digital solution to enable efficient and convenient working styles
Single Sign-On for access

Demands / Wishes:

Usage of latest technology to inease efficiency
Fast and transparent communication


Too many systems within the workflow
Insufficient information about parts availability


Fast and efficient solutions
Transparent information

Demands / Wishes:

Fast and efficient systems
Connected information


Too many systems within the workflow
Time issues within workshop throughputs


Handle difficult situations
No more system breaks
Fast and efficient solutions

Demands / Wishes:

IT systems as solution for better service experience
Additional time for diagnosis
Digitization & automatization

User Groups

Have a look at the videos to understand the specifics of both groups:

Digital native

Digital Immigrant

European Dealer Council Working Group D!AS

On October 15th the European Dealer Council (EDC) Working Group D!AS took place at the Volkswagen WeCampus in Berlin. More than 70 participants, consisting of dealer and importer representatives from 14 countries as well as D!AS team members, participated in the information and networking event. The overall purpose of the Working Group is to build up a dialogue between the dealers and the D!AS program. This is why the aim of the event was not only to provide dealers with an update regarding the most recent developments and the status quo of the D!AS program, but also give them the opportunity to provide feedback on the implementation and the use of D!AS products in the dealer network.

Dealers have also addressed several challenges, such as legal issues, slowing down the product implementation. Mrs. Imelda Labbé, Head of Group After Sales, has assured the audience that the D!AS Team is working on overcome the issues with full commitment. Mr. Matti Pörho, President of the EDC, appreciated the dedication and offered support on behalf of the entire EDC. In order to show the dealers what to expect in the future, six products (ASID, ASP, Media Hub, PAT, Warranty, zADB) demonstrated their already available functionalities in a live-demo version. Furthermore, DiEGo, R-SAFE and Elsa2Go offered more detailed insights in the form of a market stand.

The D!AS Team enjoyed the exchange with the EDC management, the dealers and the importers and is already looking forward to the next EDC Working Group D!AS which is planned for Spring 2020.


Show full list LEGEND

Roll-out completed
Roll-out ongoing
Pilot ongoing

Roll-out completed

    Roll-out ongoing

      Pilot ongoing



          For further details or in case of questions,
          please reach out to: digital.after.sales.vwag.r.wob@volkswagen.de