PPSO team informs about termination of PPSO legacy interfaces

From 2024 onwards, PPS Online will stop provision of packages via legacy and GSB-IA PPSO interfaces since these are no longer compliant with current Volkswagen Group IT standards. As the successor, there is offered the new strategic RW.IL interface which is a part of D!AS program.

High quality standard of data communication

A switch to the new RW.IL interface guarantees not only a high quality standard of data communication within Volkswagen Group Systems, but also new business functionalities such as sold package reporting, Promotional Offer Tool and APOS NF support, etc. These functionalities are actually not supported by PPSO legacy/GSB-IA interfaces.

What steps are necessary to do to manage a change in time?

  • Get in contact with PPSO Rollout team (ppso@volkswagen.de) to receive detailed information
  • Nominate a contact person on the importer side
  • Contact your DMS provider in your market to estimate required budget for interface upgrade
  • Plan required budget and timeline
  • Sign off commitment about PPSO interface upgrade projects

Be aware, that effective January 1st 2024 the latest,
PPSO package data can only be received via the new RW.IL-PPSO-DMS interface.

It is strongly recommended to start PPSO interface upgrade projects as soon as possible to benefit from above mentioned business advantages. Please be also aware that due to limited IT capacity it won’t be possible to support all upgrade projects in the second half of 2023.

As-Is situation:

To-Be situation:

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