RW.IL is a simple & cost-efficient real-time data exchange solution for the integration of market retail & wholesale systems (DMS, CRM & more) to all upcoming D!AS business solutions.


RW.IL is the short name for “Retail Wholesale Integration Layer”. It is a modern and highly scalable cloud integration layer. It integrates the heterogeneous retail & wholesale system landscape in the VW Group with future digital sales, marketing and after sales solutions. RW.IL is more than just an API-gateway. It is a cloud based API and Microservice platform running on the VW private cloud managed by the group-it-cloud (GITC).

The RW.IL itself is based on cloud technologies like Docker and Kubernetes and could also be rolled out on public cloud providers like Amazon AWS or Open-Telekom-Cloud (OTC).


Modern, highly scalable cloud integration layer with latest authentication standards (OAuth2)


Simple, easy-to use OEM data query API integrations for retail & wholesale systems (e.g. PPSO, RECALL, Group Service Key)


Generic retail & wholesale business event exchange via a stable technical integration


Flexible event producer/consumer registry for fine granular authorization

Integration Layer

  • Connection from market system to VW-backend only available via Integration Architecture
  • All relevant information is spread over various WSDL-files
  • High search and training effort to find and use the right service


  • All available APIs available in the API Gateway of RW.IL
  • All relevant information (API endpoints, methods, input and expected output parameters) is shown on one web page
  • Easy to find and use the service due to centralized information


Current Functionalities

Already developed functionalities whose availability depends on the rollout activities.

Cloud solution based on Group IT Cloud infrastructure (private / public)
Integration architecture for market systems (IA, SOAP, REST, RVS, DMS-BB)
Compliant business object authorization and processing based on customer, dealer and importer agreements
Retail System (DMS) Integration to the new Group Service Key solution via a simple RW.IL API

New functionalities will constantly be developed based on user feedback and needs.

  • New standard for service order data exchange between Volkswagen Group and dealers
  • Compatible to all new D!AS solutions which require service order integration
  • Simple authorization administration frontend for dealer and importers who are consuming RW.IL
  • Enabling the market to change integration parameters via self-service
Retail system (DMS) integration to the VW Group service package system PPSO via a simple RW.IL API
Enabling of local business and support teams in the markets to keep control on the RW.IL integrations which are used


Wondering how RW.IL works?

Click your way through the demo version.

RW.IL API Portal


RW.IL exchanges data between the Market Retail Systems and the D!AS Services through various APIs. Each API is connected to a specific microservice in the RW.IL platform which can be scaled due to the needed performance. Next to these main integration components, a lot of monitoring and debugging tools are deployed.

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Currently RW.IL is only available in the EU region. As soon as RW.IL is public cloud ready and the D!AS products are rolled out in other regions, RW.IL instances will also be setup in other regions (EU, NAR, APAC, China) for low integration latencies.
RW.IL is currently being integrated in the D!AS products Lead Inbox and OSIB AST. Further retail integrations will follow in Q4/2019.

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