Elsa2Go introduced to the European Dealer Council

A working group with almost 70 participants from various European countries took place on Wednesday 1 December. The importer representatives, as well as the dealer representatives from the European Dealer Council (EDC) were invited to join the live demonstration of a long awaited application Elsa2Go, the mobile addition to ElsaPro.

After an introduction by Frank Mattheis, Head of D!AS, and Matti Pörhö, President of the EDC, started the main part. Daniel Lang, the product owner of Elsa2Go led through the interactive session with a live feedback tool, enabling all participants to actively engage into the session and give a feedback in real time.

Daniel firstly explained the core functionalities, benefits and use cases of Elsa2Go. In a nutshell, Elsa2Go enables service advisors and service technicians to access all relevant vehicle & repair information during customer interaction, service and repair work. Elsa2Go covers the core functionalities of ElsaPro and represents the major part of the future after sales system landscape. A user can open Elsa2Go easily via the Group Retail Portal, retail integration into DMS via RWIL and OrMa is also possible.

Afterwards came the part that everyone was most curious about: a live demonstration of the application. During the demonstration were shown e.g. how the TPIs for a specific VIN can be found or how to check whether there is any open field campaign. Another example of the features is a possibility of a digital signature for a performing service technician.

The participants valued for example user friendliness of Elsa2Go, improved wiring diagrams or flexibility of use on various devices. On the opposite side stays a feedback regarding current Elsa world, for example lack of intuitive use, too many clicks needed to serve the system or the level of integration.

After the live demonstration, Daniel outlined future milestones of the Elsa2Go development. In the upcoming two years the team will focus on a further coverage of the service process, amongst others by integrating the D!AS products (i.e., APOS NF and PPSO). The objective for the future is to achieve the integrated workshop information system that is able to work in parallel to ElsaPro by central order storage management.

How does Elsa2Go work in dealerships? Andreas Franz from the market Switzerland, head of business processes at AMAG Import AG, shared experiences from the pilot and pointed out, the pilot partners considered the system as a big step forward in terms of usability. He mentioned also disadvantages in a missing connection to some other systems and no data exchange with ElsaPro. According to Andreas Franz, overall Elsa2Go provides the pilot partners with useful features simplifying processes in the workshop.

During the open space discussion, participants contributed with their feedback.

The changes in our industry is rapidly changing the way we do business therefore it's quite important to be able to embrace the digital transformation that we are embarking on.
Specially the changes towards total electrification of our industry in Norway.
We see that the D!AS program is a part of the solution for the business in a new tomorrow. I believe Elsa2Go is the right step on the way to less administrative work in the aftersales process
”, said Aslak Liestøl from the Norwegian market, Product manager process and systems at Harald A. Møller.

It was a very good presentation with valuable inputs in all sense. You have done great work, please continue to do that. I am glad we had a possibility to give the interactive feedback, it was very valuable and I think you got all our messages. We should continue on that way also in the future”, expressed his opinion Matti Pörhö, President of the EDC.

Take a look at the screenshots from Elsa2Go:

Elsa2Go – screenshot from the system to “Vehicle summary page”

Elsa2Go - screenshot from the system “Wiring Diagrams”

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