D!AS Rollout introduces a new tool – action plan for markets

Rollout of D!AS products is gaining momentum in order to achieve a digital after sales system landscape in a set time. One of the supportive tools for rollout teams on both importer/group side is an action plan, a standardized measure for planning of products rollout on a specific market. D!AS Rollout Team has initiated the discussion on action plans with markets in August 2021. As of 28.9.2021, there has been created action plans with 23 markets altogether.

What exactly is an action plan?

Action plan provides an overview of products, together with binding target dates when the products will be deployed on the market. The objective is clear: bring transparency into a complex rollout process. Therefore all important rollout milestones together with responsible persons are clearly shown at a glance, so all involved parties know exactly what to do to successfully accomplish product rollout in a set time.

Both importer and D!AS management have committed themselves to follow the plan, ensuring a high level of obligation. Furthermore, all involved parties may benefit from a possibility to plan resources more accurate. One more advantage: action plans play an important role as information source on all working levels, e.g. on markets’ side, within product development teams or for D!AS management.

D!AS Rollout action plan:

  • High level of commitment
  • Transparency
  • Possibility to plan resources
  • Important information source

In the first wave, D!AS Rollout team puts effort into drawing action plan with top 30 markets, deciding factor is a number of throughputs. One practical example: the Russian market was one of the first markets with an action plan. It is a challenging task, as during implementation of after sales digital products Russian market has to cope with strict legal restrictions. The main constraint affects data transfer abroad, which is forbidden by local authorities and therefore all processed data have to be hosted on local servers. Mr. Ota Koldinský, VW Group After Sales manager Russia, has commented on the situation:

“Based on the specifics of Russian market, there is a need for an individual adaptation of each D!AS product in order to meet the requirements of data conformity. Action plan serves for transparency and overview of current situation not only in terms of legal readiness, but follows all important aspect of rollout activities. I believe the tool is an important step towards deployment of digital initiatives, that will help to make the work of service personnel on the Russian market more efficient.”

Take a look at the illustrative pictures of the action plan:

Action plan – general overview of products. Picture is illustrative.

Action plan – overview of product status. Picture is illustrative.

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