Markets inspire other markets in usage of Predictive Analytics Tool

The Predictive Analytics Tool (PAT) is a backend service for predicting the due date of maintenance events for a defined vehicle according to manufacturer specifications. PAT provides information only via API, therefore must be always integrated into another system, where it can support or enable different business processes. The first five markets have shared experiences about their way of the PAT implementation in the online session with other markets.

In order to show other countries how versatile a deployment of PAT might be, the team of PAT has recently organized two online meetings, altogether for 32 countries, where the markets Poland, South Africa, Spain, Denmark and Singapore presented their ideas how PAT can be used.

“The purpose of this meeting was to provide other markets more insights of PAT and to give them an idea, how to use PAT in their markets. All in all, we wanted to draw the attention to PAT and convince the markets about the benefits. And the best way how to do it is to show best practices from other markets”, stated Mario Felderhoff, rollout manager from the D!AS team.

The presented use cases from Spain explained, how PAT can be deployed within the online service configurator for customer. After entering a plate number, mileage and a preferred service partner, the recommended upcoming vehicle-specific maintenance service event is displayed. This comes together with prices for individual service packages. Customer can then decide, which items to include and directly book or at least request an appointment.

Another example came from Denmark. PAT is there used integrated into DMS to provide information for service advisor to effectively respond to customer calls, who received notification by car about upcoming service event. PAT delivers with PPSO full information (scope, costs) about the necessary services. This provides better prerequisites for the service advisor in a customer interaction, and save time on order preparation.

The third example brings us to South Africa. There is PAT used as a part of the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) calculator for fleet customers to figure out the costs over the time the customer wants to use the car. The online tool requests following data: VIN, current mileage, annual mileage. PAT provides information about upcoming service events including PPSO-Package-ID and based on it are delivered relevant PPSO packages over all upcoming service events together with local pricing data.

“The event was fully successful for us! Afterwards we received several requests to schedule Deep Dives with the markets who presented their use cases to go deeper in the technical background etc. We think we could really help the markets to get a better idea to use PAT,” said Mario Felderhoff.

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