The Audi Service Key no longer available after mid-2022

Deactivation of the dealer portal is planned for mid-2022. As soon as this has taken place, user authentication and therefore any use of the Service Key software will no longer be possible. A solution is to make a switch to the Group Service Key Software which is accessible via the Group Retail Portal (GRP).

The first version 3.0 of the Group Service Key software was released in 2020. This version is largely based on its predecessor, the Audi Service Key software. In parallel with this, new development of the future Group Service Key Online software began, with the objective of creating a suitable platform for developing new functions which cannot be implemented on the basis of the Group Service Key 3.0. The first version of Group Service Key Online is planned to be released at the end of the second quarter of 2022. More information about the new Group Service Key Online will be published in the next issue of the D!AS Newsletter.

What are the benefits of switching to the Group Service Key?
All existing functions from the Audi Service Key 2.6.3.x are included in the Group Service Key software (GSK). In addition to that, GSK offers enhanced user friendliness, e.g.:

  • GSK browser application starts automatically with the display of the completed vehicle health data from the Service Key
  • Function menu of the local GSK software is always available
  • Improved display of vehicle health data
  • Improved performance
  • Compatibility with multiple browsers is supported

How to make a switch to the Group Service Key?
To make switching to the Group Service Key software as easy as possible, there is a rollout team who will provide importers with the best possible assistance in implementing the required changes. If you are interested, please contact Justin Evers from the rollout team by e-mail ( A colleague from the rollout team will then get in touch with you.

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