The virtual D!AS Conference 2022

Already the fourth D!AS conference with NSC, independent importers and group brand representatives took place on 24th February. More than 120 people totally from 21 countries participated in the online session, which has become already a standard event format since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. This time the focus lied on presenting the achievements in year 2021 and the strategic Way forward in the After Sales business highlighting actual priorities until 2022, so called “big tickets”.

The first contribution belonged to Steffen Schwarz, Head of Service, Literature & Systems. Steffen pointed out the current challenges of the After Sales business, e.g. declining car park or limited resources within single brands, and emphasized importance of common initiatives across all volume brands. The ONE.Aftersales steering structure based on the cluster logic should create the best conditions for efficient management of the group initiatives also thanks to empowerment of cluster leaders from volume brands.

Afterwards informed Frank Mattheis, Head of D!AS, about the main commitments for 2022.

Frank Mattheis, Head of D!AS

Frank Mattheis, Head of D!AS

“We are gradually implementing the key deliverables for all initiatives based on our joint multi-brand masterplans. Delivery of development milestones, rollout and launch of running projects and clarification of the strategic initiatives, so called “Big Tickets” are our priorities until the end of 2022.”

Among the “Big Tickets” belong e.g. replacement of ElsaPro, replacement of Carport or clarification of the warranty topic (incl. SAGA/2 & DISS).
Frank provided also insight into the product achievement in terms of product development readiness and global rollout. For more information see the chart below:

Next part of the session was dedicated to the D!AS products. Many product teams presented the current development status, as well as outlook for 2022. One of the biggest response among the importers drew a presentation of the Elsa2Go team. Daniel Lang, a responsible product owner, provided a live insight into the Elsa2Go application. Among other new functionalities, e.g. Quick View Toolbar or Maintenance list, Daniel introduced also a PR number filter. By activating the PR number filter, the shown content is reduced so only the relevant entries for the specific vehicle are visible. This feature helps a service technician to save time while searching the right item. Read more about the new feature here.

A special guest speaker, Andreas Franz responsible for business process in AMAG Import AG, followed up on the topic of Elsa2Go. Andreas shared the market experience with pilot and implementation, which started in Switzerland and Liechtenstein in November 2021. Feedback from service partners was positive, the Elsa2Go application is perceived as a big step forward in comparison to ElsaPro in terms of usability. Furthermore, a service technician can decide whether to use a tablet version or desktop. On the other hand, a missing connection to some other systems and no data exchange with ElsaPro are seen as a disadvantage. Elsa2Go as a standalone solution was already rolled out to all service partners, the integration for all relevant DMS providers will be completed until the end of 2022.

Further interesting presentations were delivered during the session:

  • Data, interface and application strategy
  • Workshop information system of the future
  • D!AS Rollout – News
  • After Sales ID – New linkage
  • Predeictive Analytics Tool
  • Service Cam – New features
  • GSK Online – New development
  • One Connect Workspace

Are you interested in more detail? Download the slide deck from here.

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