The After Sales Process as a single user interface is designed by the UX (User Experience) Team and based on comprehensive user research.


Seamless user experience, as well as the provision of the right content,
is achieved through a comprehensive user journey design as well as
interconnected functionalities, based on a unique design system.

The goal of the UX strategy is that user groups perceive the D!AS Vision as one user interface, not as different products. The After Sales Process is designed by the UX designers within D!AS and is based on comprehensive user research and UX standards. The extensive user knowledge also provides the basis for the D!AS functional target picture and product development.

How it works

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UX development process

Product development process

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The UX Team consists of different roles gathering and implementing the user's input and feedback along the product development process.

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One front-end with integrated functionalities is a result of the cooperation of the dedicated development teams.

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What is ux design

dislikeUser Experience is not:

  • ... only styling and visual design
  • ... only user interface design and usability
  • ... a by product
  • ... a “One Man Show”
  • ... static

LikeUser Experience is:

  • ... strategically designing an experience
  • ... also about designing processes and contexts
  • ... result of analysis and informed decision making
  • ... teamwork
  • ... agile, iterative and dynamic


The D!AS scope aims at creating a user-centered design by developing one seamless user interface instead of various different access points for each product. This is achieved by enabling the agile development teams to focus on functionality early on that will later be useful for the users. Following this approach, both the users as well as the development teams benefit:


Products match
the users needs

The development products fits the user‘ requirements and therefore optimally supports them to reach their goals.


Adapted to
real usage

Products and services are aligned with the real use environment, instead of being developer of some isolated developers with operational blindness.


development costs

Iterations made early are less costly than those later in the product life cycle (especially during design, before development begins).

circle check

Easy and effective

A user-friendly design allows users to find what they need more easy and with less time effort.


Less support

A design that naturally fits the users‘ perspective is intuitive to use and therefore requires less explanation and support.


A new Group design and frontend library offeres ready to use, standardized user interface elements such as buttons, tiles and navigation elements. The library is a cornerstone of a common design and frontend standard for Volkswagen Group applications and should make user interfaces more intuitive, consistent and comfortable for users. The library is constantly growing and is continuously extended with new components.

Consistency, simplicity, and cost efficiency for the applicatin development

Available for all brands

Available for all developers

If you are interested in using the GroupUI, you can get more information here.
What you will find:

  • Details about our design system and frontend library GroupUI
  • Design Library (Sketch Masterfile)
  • Information for developers


GroupUI Download

Resources for designers and developers


GroupUI Developer documentation

If you want to dive deeper and get more information about developing with GroupUI (e.g. how to work with the code of the frontend CSS framework) you will find all relevant information below.


GroupUI Repository

You can get the current release version of GroupUI by cloning or downloading the master branch. The package contains the SCSS files, the built CSS files and the documentation (VueJS/NodeJS or compiled) which you can start on your local machine.



1. Valid group ID:

  • Internal members: ask responsible helpdesk
  • External members: follow the instructions on https://www.vwgroupsupply.com

2. Resource "Cocoa Devstack“: Order resource in i.Serve, use self service portals or call the EHD

3. VW PKI card or a TOTP app on your smartphone (e.g. Microsoft Authenticator, Google Authenticator).


Red Dot Award

Volkswagen prevails against 8,696 competitors and wins the Red Dot Award for the Software library "Group UI"

UX team
The development team: Niclas Bauermeister (UX Designer MHP), Jan Wehinger (Team Lead MHP), Thorsten Jankowski (UX Lead Volkswagen IT), Marcel Tobien (UX Designer MHP)

Within the Volkswagen Group, there are many different software programs. Existing applications are constantly being further developed and new ones are constantly being added. So far, the departments and divisions have developed their own applications. As a result, there were various user interface designs.

Based on the corporate design of Volkswagen AG, experts have now developed standardized user interfaces such as buttons, tiles and navigation elements. The result is a modular system of design and software components that will continuously grow. "With the library, we want to introduce a new design and front-end standard at Volkswagen. It is intended to make operation much more intuitive, uniform and convenient for users," explains Thorsten Jankowski (UX Lead Volkswagen IT).

The new design and front-end library "GroupUI" is group-wide available for all brands, internal developers as well as for external service providers and makes the design and development of applications more uniform, simpler, faster and more cost-effective.

So far, the designs of Volkswagen AG, Volkswagen Passenger Cars, Audi and Skoda have been integrated. Further brands are to follow.

For further details or in case of questions, please reach out to: thorsten.jankowski@volkswagen.de


For further details or in case of questions please reach out to: