D!AS Research serves knowledge and experience from dealer employees in 21 European countries. We support strategic decisions, validate new product features and their usability as well as gaining insights about current system usage.


With help of information obtained from the AfterSales Expert Community, the goal of D!AS Research is to:

  • Support strategic decisions within D!AS
  • Support a product development, which is inspired by users needs
  • Validate new product features and their usability
  • Determine usage routines for existing applications

D!AS Research uses various research designs and approaches
to ensure tailored study setups within the AfterSales Expert Community.

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How it works

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After Sales Expert Community

The D!AS Research Panel...

...is a data base including dealership employees from D!AS core markets that allowed us to contact them for research. Despite contact details, the data base offers information on:

  • Demografics
  • Job/Expertise
  • Employer / Dealership /Market

This allows fast and easy access to relevant target groups.

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After Sales Expert Community - Members

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AfterSales Expert Community – Markets

As of now the AfterSales Expert Community will focus on 21 European markets

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Market selection aligned with D!AS Rollout and EDC


Product Objective Approach Year/Month
Elsa2Go | IGG - ElsaPro Usage UX Research Skype/Teams Interviews 2020/07
APOS NF Minute Savings Skype/Teams Interviews 2020/10
Lead Inbox Minute Savings Skype/Teams Interviews 2020/10
Remote Diagnostics Basic Minute Savings Skype/Teams Interviews 2020/10
UGD Minute Savings Skype/Teams Interviews 2020/10
ASID (ODIS Integration) Benefit Validation Skype/Teams Interviews 2020/10
Werkzeugvernetzung Demand Evaluation Skype/Teams Interviews 2020/12
Service Status Tracker Demand Evaluation Skype/Teams Interviews 2020/12
R-Safe UX Research Skype/Teams Interviews 2021/01
Service Prozesse Process Evaluation Skype/Teams Interviews 2021/04
Warranty Process Evaluation Skype/Teams Interviews 2021/04
ASID (Mandatory Parts) Benefit Validation Skype/Teams Interviews 2021/05
Maintenance Process Evaluation Skype/Teams Interviews 2021/07
PAT Oil Norm Demand Evaluation Skype/Teams Interviews 2021/08
Service Cam Benefit Validation Skype/Teams Interviews 2021/09
Group Service Key Benefit Validation / Demand Evaluation Skype/Teams Interviews 2021/10
Ticketing Process Evaluation Skype/Teams Interviews 2021/10

Contact us

Please do not hesitate to
reach out to us! diasresearch@volkswagen.de